Hey there. Welcome. I’m Melissa Gorzelanczyk, writer, speaker, published author, sober artist, and lover of ritual and meadows.

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At nine years old, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I dreamed of one day holding a book with my name on it in my hands. This began my journey to:

– Write more than 13 books and accumulate more than 28 rejections by age 18.

– Pay off more than $42,000 in debt so I could quit my day job and focus on getting published (age 29).

– Secure a literary agent with the second book I wrote in those years (age 32).

– Publish my first book, ARROWS, with Penguin Random House (age 34).

– Pursue my MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts (age 37).

– Realize during a writing prompt in the Vermont forest that my relationship with alcohol interfered with the creative goals I had for my life (age 38).

– Become a sober, alcohol-free artist on February 16, 2019. (age 39)

– Seek to inspire you to honor and nurture your dreams.

Thanks for being here. <3

Personal Mission

To inspire you to invest in your dreams, magic, and well-being through my stories, creativity, and life.

Professional bio

Melissa Gorzelanczyk is a writer, speaker, sober artist, and lover of rituals and meadows. Her first novel, ARROWS, was published by Penguin Random House. She holds an MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts. She works as a copywriter and lives with her husband in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Receive more of her writing: tinyurl.com/59mze2d4

Follow her on Instagram: @MelissaGorzela

Pronunciation: [gōr-zĕh-lŏn-chĕk]